What's Happening

Shoosty Bugs: An Art Infestation

Shoosty Bugs: An Art Infestation

Lemerand WingL. Gale Lemerand Wing & the Elaine and Thurman Gillespy, Jr. Gallery
Open April 5, 2025 through January 4, 2026    

Stephen Shooster, aka Shoosty, is a fine artist and writer whose media ranges from digital to paper and most recently, silk. His work displays multiple themes and styles, concentrating on music, landscapes, and conceptual art. It was during a post-surgery convalescence that Shoosty encountered what would become his most fanciful muse – the bug. Inspired by the sacred scarabs of ancient Egypt, Shoosty saw the variety of anatomy and armature of these creatures as a boundless source of imaginative creation. Since then, Shoosty Bugs have taken on a life and movement of their own. The Museum of Arts & Sciences is excited to host Shoosty Bugs: An Art Infestation, featuring over 50 digital creations that demonstrate the artist’s innovative fusion of metamorphic insects inhabiting lengths of color-saturated silks.



2025 Exhibit Sponsors
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.