Pacific Exotics: The Woodbloack Prints of Paul Jacoulet

Pacific Exotics: The Woodbloack Prints of Paul Jacoulet

Edward E. and Jane B. Ford Gallery
March 5, 2016 through June 22, 2016

Paul Jacoulet (1902-1960) designed a remarkable set of woodblock prints which are beautifully composed, visually exciting and masterfully produced. This group of 47 of the original prints – about a third of his total output – demonstrate, not only Jacoulet’s interest in exotic subjects, but also the remarkable range of techniques and unsurpassed skills his carvers and printers used to achieve the images. Using the centuries-old process of Ukiyo-e carving and printing, Jacoulet and his printing team created fascinating portraits of South Sea and northern Asian individuals with many cultural and geographical details to indicate their heritage and location. Jacoulet did not compromise on quality. He used only the best paper and inks. Though he used traditional processes, his images are modern. His works reflect little of the artistic trends of the time, but beautifully synthesize Japanese and French aesthetics. The works are gifts to the Museum of Arts & Sciences, Daytona Beach, from collectors George A. Arnold and Gary R. Libby. 

2025 Exhibit Sponsors
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.