In the Style of the Emperor: Napoleonic Decorative Arts from the Collection

In the Style of the Emperor: Napoleonic Decorative Arts from the Collection

Bouchelle Changing Gallery
Open February 27, 2021 through May 31, 2021

2021 marks the bicentennial of the death of France's most famous ruler in the past, Napoleon Bonaparte I. This exhibition will contain examples of the many types of objects in the MOAS collection that touch on the reign of this incredibly influential leader who sponsored a comprehensive movement known as Neoclassicism in early 19th century French art. Paintings, sculpture, and works on paper will join furniture, porcelain, glass, decorative fans, and ephemera in this look at the pervasive influence of this highly consequential historical figure.

Image Credit: Germany, 19th Century, Plaque with Portrait of Napoleon I, porcelain, enamel. Gift of Kenneth Worcester Dow and Mary Mohan Dow. 94.01.496

2025 Exhibit Sponsors
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.