Existential Journeys: Selections from Beaux Arts of Central Florida

Existential Journeys: Selections from Beaux Arts of Central Florida

Root Hall
Open September 22, 2018 through November 7, 2018

Beaux Arts group was organized in 1962 by the students of the late Lillian “Lu” Belmont of New York City. Because of her and her students, the first contemporary art group was introduced to the then provincial Halifax area. As a result of the dedication of these artists to their cause, more people in the community understand, enjoy, support, and appreciate modern art and the contemporary artist.

The group’s objectives are: Strive for excellence and originality; explore various media and techniques; contribute a personal and fresh approach to the diversity of today’s art.

The group is comprised of 50 professional artists, working in all mediums, who place a strong emphasis on the experimental creative approach with a strong emphasis on quality work. The artists are encouraged to expand their horizons and constantly stretch their abilities.

You can contact Beaux Arts of Central FL at www.beauxartsfl.com and on Facebook at Beaux Arts of Florida.


Photo Credit: Christine Peloquin, Sense, Mixed Media, 48x60

2025 Exhibit Sponsors
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.