CANCELED 100 Faces of War: Ekphrastic Poetry Session

10/10/2018 at 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Event Description



This event has been canceled as the Museum will be closing early at 3:00 pm in preparation for the impacts (strong storms and gusts of winds) of Hurricane Michael. 

In conjunction with 100 Faces of War, a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, with local funding for this program provided through a grant from the Florida Humanities Council with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Florida Poet Laureate for Volusia County, M.B. McLatchey, will lead a workshop series in writing to connect. This series is open to the public with a special invitation to veterans and family and friends of veterans. Like good talk over a good meal, writing helps us to connect with our loved ones, with our friends and communities, and with our own personal histories. By trying our hands at various forms of writing, workshop participants will explore how written expression can generate positive and creative directions in our lives. All levels of writers are welcome, from non-writers to advanced writers.

Space is limited. RSVP in advance by calling the Museum at 386-255-0285.

Admission: Free for members and veterans, or included with paid museum admission. 


Museum of Arts & Sciences
352 S. Nova Road
Daytona Beach FL 32114
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